
What Do I Care If Icicles Fall?

I finally had my review last week. I received excellent marks – as if I expected anything else, right? This is the first time I've had a review that involved meeting with four people, and it was a little nerve racking. What's worse is, after we went over my "scores," my direct supervisor had to leave the room so the other 3 people could interrogate me on her performance as a manager. What am I going to say here, folks? The only response was the one in keeping with my new "No Drama" work policy. "She's doing an excellent job!"

I've experienced my fair share of office drama, and frankly, I'm over it. It can be hard to rise above it, because you spend a good chunk of your life at work. Even the most skillfully detached may find it hard not to take a sense of pride or responsibility in what they do, and therefore may find the blatant disregard for their hard work and sacrifice frustrating. You may even feel justified in speaking out against injustices perpetrated. I support you; leaders of the movement, advocates of change, proponents of equality. I just don't have the energy for it these days. The cons have drastically outweighed the pros of speaking out in my last few work places. My chances of winning the battle within the corporate environment are slim, and at best, my candor only serves as a temporary release of my frustration. Sure, there have been a few time where I spoke my mind, and regardless of the outcome, I felt pride in not being a doormat or standing up to a bully. But in my experience, the conflict and/or the job just hasn't been worth the trouble.


State of Emergency!

It snowed about a foot this past weekend. We were officially under a state of emergency, which in our family means a "State of Emergency Party." I love nothing more than being trapped in my house with my loved one and litter of fuzzy creatures, complete with a bottle of bourbon, good food and movies, during inclement weather. Seriously, it's like one of my favorite things on earth. Something about having a legitimate excuse to hole up and not go anywhere. "Sorry. Trapped. Can't leave." If I come into a lot of money someday, I'll be spending my winters in a cabin in Maine, so that I may experience a 3-month long State of Emergency Party. I'm telling you, it does wonders for one's creativity.

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