
Hit the Road, Jack


Commence freakout.

Funny, I started writing this blog 2 days ago, and I just can't seem to finish. Anyway.

Let's not even discuss the amount of time I don't have to get everything done. Or the money I don't have to pay for the things I need to get. Instead, let's discuss some of my favorite essentials to bring on a road trip:

• Aveda chapstick - At $8 a pop, this is some pricey stuff. But it works better than any other lip balm I've tried, including it's $15 counterpart, the Aveda Lip Replinisher.

• Thayers Slippery Elm Lozenges - I'm digging the tangerine flavor. Keeps the throat lubricated and has vitamin C.

• Traditional Medicines Throat Coat Tea - So far, the best thing I've found for a sore or dry throat. Yogi's Throat Comfort is a close second.

• Pen and paper - There's nothing like a road trip to inspire some creative writing. I also like to make a lot of lists. Things I see that interest me, words I want to study, things I want to do when I get home, etc.

• Hoodie - Because it can get cold out there. And because sometimes you just want to burrow and hide when you're trapped in close quarters with others for too long.

• Water - And lots of it. Funny how sitting in a car doing nothing can still dehydrate you.

• Kashi granola bars - They're delicious, filling and free of high fructose corn syrup.

• Eye drops - Staring at the road too long turns my contacts crispy.

• Kleenex - Without a doubt, I always need them.

• Petroniekins Hangover Remedy - Because inevitably, there will booze and rough mornings to follow:
* B Vitamins - this is what most of those hangover remedies on the market have in them anyway, but personally, I'm a little freaked out by the amount of caffeine and sugar accompanied by them. Take it before bed & again the next day for best results.
* 7-up - Because Sprite sucks. Sorry, it just does.
* Ranitidine - I have acid reflux problems anyway, but this is just the ticket when our tummies are feeling a little queasy. Generic ranitidine works for me, but you might find the other generic antacid drug, famotidine, (see active ingredients on things like Pepcid Complete) works better for you. Again, for best results take before bedtime. It takes a little time to kick in.
* Gatorade - Make a pitstop at the Hydration Station. You'll feel better.
* Ibuprofen - Last, but not least. Again, if you can remember it, before bedtime is best.


I'm a creature of comfort. The way I see it, if you're comfortable, you'll deal better. And ain't there always something to deal with.

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