
"They Misunderestimated Me."

So the title isn't really a lyric, but it is the same old song from the worst President we've ever had. 

I try not to be, but sometimes I find I'm judgmental about certain things. While I like to operate on the philosophy that all possibilities are in existence (which may explain why it's so hard for me to make decisions), I tend to draw certain conclusions about people's character based on what some may consider trivial observations. On the other hand, actions can often be a reflection of one's character, so maybe I'm not that far off base. Some things that give me cause for suspicion include: 
• people who don't like animals
• people who drive Hummers or extra large Dodge pick-up trucks, which my husband and I have deemed, "The Official Truck of Assholes," while having absolutely no utilitarian need for a vehicle of that stature.
• people who don't use turn signals or generally drive like an asshole. Triple points if they have children in the car.
• people who frequent Jimmy Buffet concerts. It isn't just your musical preferences called into question here.
• people who leave refrigerator doors open for lengthy amounts of time or leave water running for too long or any other act which demonstrates a blatent disregard for its environmental consequences on account of minimal inconvenience.

Petty? Perhaps. But show me an extra large Dodge pick-up truck, and I will show you a driver who is likely white, male and an asshole. 

Maybe it's just that I haven't been surprised by people in a while. That's probably it. I think it's why I'm starved for inspiration at the moment. I want to read or witness something that moves me in such a way that I derive a crucial answer to some philosophical question that will subsequently cause my life to ricochet onto a path of enlightenment. This is what draws me to the Arts. It's probably also a good indication as to why I have such trouble relating in a corporate office environment. We have different priorities.

But that mentality isn't exactly going to net me a job making $80k a year, now is it? Lucky for me, my needs are comparatively minimal. I want more, but I can get by on less. At the moment, it's become a bit of a social experiment to me: Just how much can I do without? I miss tv, and I wish I could go snowboarding in Colorado like my friends N & T, but I'm conscious of what I do have going for me: a home, running water, food and a house full of keyboards. Could be much worse. Could be hiding out in an elementary school in the Gaza Strip, wondering where the next missile will strike.

I'm sure the economy won't always be as bad as it is now, (Thanks George & Dick, and your pals in the Greedy Banking and Oil industries! We couldn't have been fucked without you! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!) so I am committed to riding this out, as I'm sure you are, on a mixture of optimism and intrigue. What choice do I have?

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