
It's a New Day

I spent 2 full days last weekend tearing apart, cleaning and organizing my office/studio space. It's amazing how much shit piles up, particularly in the form of paper, over the course of a year while you are traveling, working and generally avoiding the little things that need to be done. (Because in my world, a clean house is low on the priority list. Don't like dog hair on your clothes? Don't sit on my furniture.) It feels so good to have a clean and organized workspace, though I didn't touch a single other room in my home. I find it difficult to get in my organizational super-cleaning mode, and unfortunately my momentum was impeded when I had to come into work on New Year's Eve for a half day, only to be given about an hour's worth of actual "work." Thanks for interrupting progress in my real life so that I could help limit your quota for buisness holidays. Because I'm here for YOU.

In the afternoon, we had a fun rehearsal/recording session, after which B & I found ourselves free from any New Year's Eve obligations. I was so excited about not having anything to do, I can't begin to tell you. Funny, because not so long ago I would have been geared up for a night of partying. Instead, we had ourselves a private pajama party. And you were not invited.

All of my New Year's Day dreams came true; I spent the entire day, in my pajamas, with my husband and fuzzy babies. Call me a simpleton, but I can't think of a better way to spend my time.

Hope you had a fantastic holiday and that all of your New Year's dreams came true.

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