
Now You're Messing With

An angry bitch! Remember the review I prepared for a week early? It was rescheduled. For today. At 2pm. At 1:59, I was informed that one of the FOUR people who is supposed to participate called in sick and we will now reschedule for a third time. Evidently this information couldn't have been relayed to me in a timely fashion, say at the beginning of the day when they first found out. Normally I would take this in stride and not be boiling over with the fury of 1000 Hells Angels, as I am right now, if it weren't for the fact that I completely abandoned my husband today to deal with an emergency pet situation. One that involved blood and a healthy dose of fear and transporting our beloved creature back and forth to the vet's office, a good 25 minutes from our home. Causing him to be out a half day's work, when his hours have already cut. The pet situation is under control, however my temper could use a little work.

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