
Shiny, Happy People

I know, two posts in one day. But there are so many things wrong with this ad I came across on CNN today, I just had to share.

1. "It's So Easy"
Honey, ain't nothin' easy except for Sunday morning.

2. "Become an optimist"
Why, is my unobstructed view of our stark reality offensive to you?

3. "Follow these steps to be happier, healthier and more attractive"
Sounds great! Wait, is this woman in the picture a clear representation of where these steps will lead me? All this time trying to find the right skinny jeans, when what I really needed was a bow tie the size of my head. And nothing screams health and happiness better than a severe, unyielding grin of magnificent proportions. "DON'T WORRY! EVERYTHING IS GREAT!!! MOMMY'S GOING TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING, DARLING! Now, where is Mommy's gun?"

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