
Baby, It's Cold As Shit Outside

If this blogging thing were a horse race, I would have been the dope
that didn't make it out of the gate. But never mind that.

This weekend I went to St. Louis. I spent some time in a wonderful little bar called Lemmons, a gritty and comfortable pizza joint with friendly staff. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to explore the city much further. I did get to eat at the IHOP though, which is a rare and delicious occurrence. Hopefully we'll get to check it out more soon. As we left the city, I nearly wrecked the car trying to take photos of the arch by hanging my cell phone out the window while I was driving. It wasn't one of the smarter things I've done, but we lived to laugh about it. On the way home, we also tried to play Riddley Riddley Ree, I See Something You Don't See, but it turns out there ain't shit to see on 64. It was a beautiful drive though, despite the frigid temperatures. The skies were bright and clear. Perhaps this was an omen for the good things to come, like the Colts winning the Super Bowl. (Sorry Chicago, just cuz your city's bigger doesn't mean you play better football.)

Speaking of frigid temperatures, today is apparently the coldest day on record in 4 years for our city. Naturally, this sent my mother into a panic. Despite the hour-long conversation we'd had 40 minutes earlier, this sparked a callback and another 20-minute conversation, in which I was told to cover our car engines with a blanket, held in place by a brick
(you know, because I have bricks lying around)
and to leave a stream, not a drip, of water flowing from the faucet overnight. There were already all kinds of school closings and delays, and people should not go out unless they ABSOLUTELY HAD TO, and she'd already called her work to say she wouldn't even think about leaving the house before 8am.
Wanna know how cold it got? Minus 5 with the wind chill. If that's what KY is worried about, maybe someone should call Minnesota and let them know they better just shut down the whole state for a few months until this winter things passes. I hear it's pretty nippy there.

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