
You're Going Down, In A Blaze of Glory

Maybe you've noticed a reoccurring theme with the titles. I like to reference lyrics and song titles. I wanted to call this entry, "Fuck You, Smokers" but I refrained. You're welcome.

Last Friday, I went to some friends' house and they're pretty heavy smokers. They were drinking too, which I know from experience can make you feel like you need to smoke more. But you don't. Because after the 10th cigarette, (again, I also know from experience), you aren't getting anything off it except a little hand-holding comfort.

They were doing the kind of smoking where you light one up after another (also known as chain smoking), leaving most of the cigarette burning in the ashtray like incense. Cigarettes, incidentally, are not incense. (But like incense, they emit thick smelly fumes and make you stink like a college-going, driving-my-parents-SUV hippy.) Despite the fan and the humidifier they generously supplied for the comfort of their guests, (or maybe there's only so much they themselves can take), B & I left there feeling gross. In fact, I woke up the next day with a heavy feeling in my chest, and by the end of the weekend, I had a full blown case of bronchitis.

Monday I went to the dr. Thank goodness B had the day off work & could drive me, because I was in no shape to be operating a vehicle. I told the doctor about my visit to their house and guess what? She thinks this totally contributed to my bronchitis.
Surprise! Smoking really is bad for you.

If I sound bitter, it's because I am. I had to do a show this week that I absolutely couldn't cancel and I had to sing through this crud. The thought that I could have possibly avoided this by not being around the heavy smoke is frustrating. Truthfully I didn't even think about the fact that my friends are big smokers and they'd probably smoke in their house. Alot of smokers prefer not to.

And before you get your panties in a wad, let me just say that I fully realize I was in their home and no, I didn't tell them it bothered me. We're just getting to know them and I like them alot and I didn't want to be rude. (That's what this forum is for.) And besides, have you tried telling people who smoke that it bothers you? Or been on the receiving end? Christ, you'd think you were asking to fuck their husband.

Louisville is facing a smoking ban, obviously to much resistance, since this is, after all, tobacco country. I can't believe how many people still smoke cigarettes. Well, I can since the shit's harder to kick than crack, but I'm talking more about the folks who are casual smokers. It's so bad for you and makes you feel so awful in the long run, why bother? Full disclosure, in case this wasn't apparent, I used to smoke. I smoked for about 5 years. And even as a smoker, I couldn't stand second-hand smoke. I lived with a group of guys my junior year of college who did the whole leave-the-cigarette-burning-in-the-ashtray-like-incense thing, and it bothered me then. Smoke it or put it out.

I know smoking has become taboo, but it also feels like just admitting that it bothers you brings up a venomous debate about human rights. I am all for everybody doing what they want. But when your doing what you want affects my health, I get a little bitchy. Even at your house.

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